North Texas auto dealerships now flying custom-made Ukrainian flags - Symonds Flags

North Texas auto dealerships now flying custom-made Ukrainian flags

A network of auto dealerships in North Texas has started flying five Ukrainian flags. Clay Cooley dealerships received the flags Friday morning.

"We decided we have those big flagpoles out front," Chief Operating Officer Chase Cooley said. "We just thought we'd send a message by getting some flags and showing them we stand with Ukraine."

The dealerships usually fly American and Texas flags. Cooley says they had special order Ukrainian flags because they measure 80' by 40'.

"We're patriotic. We love America," Cooley said. "It doesn't matter your politics. Everybody likes seeing that. Everybody from all sides of the spectrum, they agree and appreciate the freedoms we have and how important that really is."

Cooley says the Ukrainian flags will stay up as long as the invasion continues.

"Hopefully, there's a resolution soon," Cooley saidhe says. "Once they get it resolved, everything's peaceful and Russia's out of there, we'll take them down and put the Texas flags back up."

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